Hammock Camping, Land Nav, and Backpacking.

   (Caleb S. Life) On the weekend of May 11, the Troop learned Hammock Camping, land navigation, and backpacking. Two eagle scouts (Mr. Beau and Mr. Jacob) taught us how to hammock camp, and this is important for us to know because we will be hammock camping in the future on certain campouts. Senior Chief (Mr. Gene Douglas) taught us land navigation. We need to know this because we will be hosting this year’s camporee and the theme is land navigation. The Chief Engineer of the Naval Oceanography Operations Command (Mr. Tashfeen Solangi) taught us backpacking. In the near future, the Troop will be going to the Oak Mountain, which we will be going on a backpacking adventure so we were grateful he could teach us this.  We also wrapped it up with some fun field games including ultimate frisbee and 4 square. We were thankful for all of the knowledge bestowed upon us by our leaders because we will be in need of it soon.


Winter Camp Guide

(Caleb S. – Star) Winter Camp is coming up soon! It is a lot lot like summer camp, but instead of being hot it is very cold. Everyone needs to be prepared for the cool days and the really cold nights.  We will have lots of fun, but since we are Boy Scouts we need to Be Prepared.  This is a list of what you might want to bring with you, and I suggest you change it to whatever makes sense to you!  Make sure to come to Troop meetings and ask any questions about Winter Camp.

Click this link for the Pine Burr Area Council Winter Camp Guide for more information

Click Here to Download the Winter Camp Checklist in PDF

Activities Camping Information Training Winter Camp

Hurricane Gordon Assistance

(Caleb S. – Star) A category 1 hurricane named Gordon came through recently. The path of the storm was directly at us. For a regular rain storm, Long Beach regularly floods. So we knew it was going to flood, so we helped all those people that couldn’t fill their own sand bags. We had about 22 scouts show up, and we were there for over 3 hours. We filled hundreds of sand bags for people, and we estimate we helped about 100 citizens of Long Beach.

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Troop 205 would also like to thank Sonic for bringing us blue Powerade slushies in the sweltering heat.


Buccaneer State Park

(Caleb S. – Star) August 18th is the day the Boy Scouts all survived the Wave Pool at Buccaneer State Park.  Buccaneer State Park is a Mississippi State Park that includes water park with two water slides, a wave pool, hiking trails, and camping.  One of the slides makes you go really fast and you can’t see anything while you are riding it!  The other slide is a little more laid back but it was a lot longer, and made you feel like you were going to fall off.  The wave pool was the best and most intense part of the trip! The waves made you lose balance and through you for a loop, and in the wave pool, the waves got up to ten feet tall, which was pretty intense! After we all survived we went to Brooklyn’s Pizza and enjoyed some amazingly good pizza.  A good time was had by all!

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IMMS Turtle realease

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(by Caleb S-Star) In Troop 205, Long Beach, MS, we recently helped the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS) release Kemp’s Ridley turtles. These endangered turtles were either caught by fishermen or were washed up on shore.  Through their hard work and dedication, IMMS rehabilitated them and sent them back to the wild, and we are grateful for them letting us have this experience. We helped on the beach: Spraying the turtles with water so they don’t dehydrate and putting up boundaries so people couldn’t touch the turtles. We walked in the water as far as we could to release the turtles. And after, the local news interviewed two of the Boy Scouts. Overall, it was a great time!


-This is the link from WLOX, the local news station, who interviewed two Boy Scouts from Troop 205!
