Thank you for wanting to join the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and wanting to be part of Troop 205!  There are a number of required forms or applications that all youth or adults need to complete/submit in order to join the troop for the first time.

Please contact the Scout Master if you have any questions or attend the meeting and one of the leaders will walk you through everything!

1. Registering with BSA and joining the Troop

  • Online Application or Printed Application YOUTH and ADULT will get you quickly entered into the BSA system or to transfer you from another troop/pack.

2. BSA Forms

3. Troop Forms

  • Troop Release – This form is to allow Troop Leadership the ability to make decisions for your scout in case of dire emergencies.
  • Emergency Contact – Kept by Troop leadership to contact parents and emergency contacts in case there is a situation that requires their knowledge or approval.